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List of songs: audio cassettes

Until today,
it is know about the existence of these songs
(the copyright, for the text also, belongs to Mrs. MARIA CIOBANU) edited by:
Delta Music
Fundaţia culturală ”Phoenix”
Oltenia Star

 E L E C T R E C O R D

          Side A                                                                 Side B

STC 006 – Beloved couples in folklore music

           MARIA C. - Ion D. and Maria Cornescu - Nelu Bălăşoiu - duets


STC 0020 – Lark, skylark

1. F V; 6. V                                              10. V; 13.*; 15. V; 16. V


STC 0083/84 Wedding for Romanians, Muntenia-Oltenia c.; no. 2 -c.

                                                                 17.* F

No. 8 is the second version of Găteşte-te, miresică” - ST-EPE 01022

STC 00145 – At the oak tree in the forest

7.*                                                            9. V


STC 00182 – Everyone is telling me MARIA and Liliana CIOBANU

3.*; 4. V

(2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17; 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18)


STC 00236 – Dear was to me the flow’r’s field

1.*; 3.*; 6.*                                              7.*; 9.*; 10.*; 11.; 12.*


STC 00240   I climbed on a rock MARIA C. and Ion D.

1.-8.*                                                        9.-16.*


STC 00298 – Today is your day, Songs for ceremonies  1 edition

                      Today is your day, Happy day for wedding 2nd edition-c.

                                                                 13.*; 15.* F

(15; 13)


STC 00299 – Musical autographs; (2) - compilation



STC 00320 – In the maple forest

6.*; 7.*; 8. F                                             13.-19.*


STC 00355 – Musical autographs; (5) - compilation



STC 00397 – When the leaf grows on beech

4.*; 5. F; 7. R                                            9. F; 15. R

 No. 7 is a mix

  no. 9, 12 & 13 are 1st versions, 2nd versions not edited

STC 00509 – Willow on the Olt river

4. F; 6. R                                                   7. V; 9.*; 12. V 


STC 00560 – To Ancuţa’s inn - compilation



STC 00561 – With the fiddlers after me - compilation



STC 00713 – Little heart, little heart

8.*                                                             14.*; 15.* F


STC 00839 – A longing feeling calls me, always

2.* F; 4. F                                                 7.* V; 9. Ī; 10. Ī; 11.*

No. 1 is the 2nd version of Doamne, bine-i cānd e omul fericit” - STC 00713

  no. 9 is a re-rec. of Neică, dorul dumitale” - EPC 684 and reedited 001113

   no. 10 is a re-recording of M-a prins dorul de Mărin” - idem no. 9

STC 001096 – Wheel of life, wheel of life… – MARIA and Camelia C.

2.* Ī; 3. V; 5.*;                                          10.* V; 14. Ī; 15.*

(1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16; 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15; 4, 11, 13)

 Nr. 2, 14 are re-recordings - duets with Liliana CIOBANU, not edited

  no. 7 is a mix


001113 Folklore jewellery, Muntenia & Oltenia county - c. – w Roton

STC 001136 Hey, dear, hey, Gheorghiţă - compilation

                                                                  7.*; 11.*

STC 001164 – Meet Romania; vol. 1 - compilation


STC 001543 – Under the hills wih spring – MARIA C. and Ion D.

1.* - 10.*                                                  11.-18.*




                                         D e l t a   M u s i c

79 082 – Folksongs from Romania - compilation




                   F u n d a ţ i a  c u l t u r a l ă  P h o e n i x”

PH-MC-016 – The golden chrysanthemum - compilation

3., 4. & 8. 1997 (live, Tārgovişte)




                                               E U R O S T A R

E-339 – Life, quikly you have passed…

1.-7.*                                                        8. F; 10.*; 11.*; 12. F; 13.*


E-340 – Good luck, mine worker, brother!

2.*-6.*                                                      9.*-13.*


E-408 – About my son I’m still thinking

3.*; 5.*; 6.*                                              15.*


E-436 – Mom’s dear young boy – MARIA C. and Ionuţ D.

1. V; 3. Ī

No. 3 is a re-recording - ST-EPE 02789

(3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 1, 6, 12; 2, 4, 8, 10)

No. 3 is re-recording - ST-EPE 02789


E-793 – Oltenian round and lively folklore dances... non-stop

           MARIA C., Mariana and Marcela I., Ghe. Roşoga - compilation

1.*; 2.*; 3b.*                                            4.*; 5b.*; 6a.*

(1, 2, 3b, 4a; 5b, 6a)


E-796 – I’ll always be your Mărie

3. Ī; 6. Ī                                                     8. Ī; 10.-13. Ī

No. 3 is a re-recording - EPD 1294

     no. 6 is a re-recording - STM-EPE 0890

         no. 8 is a re-recording - STM-EPE 01565

             no. 10 is a re-recording - EPE 01427 and reedited ST-EPE 03472

no. 11 is a re-rec. of Toată lumea zice-aşa” - ST-EPE 0471 and EPE 0472

    no. 12 is a re-recording - EPD 1187

       no. 13 is a re-recording - EPD 1187 and reedited EPE 0382


E-797 – Man, you work interminably – MARIA and Camelia C.

3.* V                                                        10.*; 11. P; 12. Ī; 14.* Ī

No. 5 is a mix of Am crescut şi-am legănat” - EPE 04403

   no. 11 is a song from STM-EPE 0890, performs: Camelia CIOBANU

     no. 12 is a re-recording - STM-EPE 0801, alongside Camelia CIOBANU

       no. 14 is a re-recording - duet with Liliana C., not edited 




                                                A V A

1072 – Romanian party; vol. 1 [concert Benone Sinulescu] - compilation

                                                         9. Nov. 22nd, 2000 (live, Sala Palatului)

1076 – Album release Steliana Sima - compilation

4. & 5. Dec. 7th, 2000 (live, Casa de cultură a Ministerului de Interne)





                                         O l t e n i a   S t a r 

0836 – As a young girl I left home MARIA and Camelia CIOBANU

1.*; 5.*                                                    11. P

Side A (1); (2-8); Side B: (17; 9-16)

No. 11 is a song from ..., performs: Camelia CIOBANU


... From Romanians, to Romanians; vol. I - compilation

1.*                                                           21.*

Side A: (1); Side B: (21)


0908 Top Oltenia Star; edition V - compilation

4.* (duet with Camelia CIOBANU)


0956 – From Romanians, to Romanians; vol. II - compilation


0992 – Oltenia Star autographs; vol. 4 - compilation


0993 – From Romanians, to Romanians; vol. III - compilation



0999 Antena Satelor” awards gala; vol. I - compilation

2. Dec. 8th, 2004 (live, Sala Palatului)


1030 Antena Satelor” awards gala; vol. II - compilation

2. Dec. 8, 2004 (live, Sala Palatului)        9. Dec. 8, 2004 (live, Sala Palatului)


               “B e t e z d a”   P e n t i c o s t a l   C h u r c h


... Christian songs, vol. 3 - compilation






      P i r a t   or   u n a u t h o r i z e d   a u d i o   c a s s e t t e s


         M u s a t t i n y   S.R.L.


1.**; 2.**                                                12.**

                                     A m m a   s t u d i o

MARIA CIOBANU and Elisabeta Turcu c. (1995, live, wedding)

(1-613, 7-12)




MARIA CIOBANU Lily-of-the-valley flower

1.**                                                         9.-12.**




                                     G e o r g e’s   s t u d i o

009 – Spectacol ’95 - compilation

2.**; 3.**; 6.**




S t u d i o   E v e r e s t   S a d u – G o r j

E 332 – Top Oltenia Craoiva; vol. 2 - compilation


Legend (for song titles, see Romanian page)

(1)        – solo MARIA CIOBANU

  *         – also edited on another audio cassette

 V         – music video on original video cassette

F           – traditional song or from other singer

(1)        – duet

... version – was record it again or something was added to the original

 R             – Radio recording only

 Ī              – song re-recorded after years

(4)            – the other person singing only

mix           – soemething was added to original or verses were mixed

 P             – song performed from her repertoire

**            – edited on another pirat or unauthorized cassette


 If you have other recordings – besides the ones on the lists

of vinyls, audio-video cassettes, CD’s and/or Radio versions –

or you have pictures from any kind of events where [also] participate

the illustrious Mrs. MARIA CIOBANU

or posters or articles with/without pictures published in the media,

and also anything else that relates with her name,

please lets get in contact!   Thank you!!!


Romania’s ”Skylark” („Ciocārlia” Romāniei)